How Will You Know When Your New Bird Is Sick? 3 Tips For New Bird Owners

Pets & Animals Blog

If you want an intelligent, social pet that's inexpensive to feed and thrives in small spaces, a pet bird is perfect for you. However, you should learn something about bird care before you bring one home. Birds can be a bit trickier to care for than dogs or cats, especially if you've never owned one before. For example, it can be very difficult to tell if your bird is sick, because birds do their best not to show signs of illness – in the wild, illness means weakness, and that can make a bird a target for a predator. That means that by the time a bird looks obviously ill, it may be too late. Take a look at some of the subtle signs that your bird is in trouble.

No Appetite

Birds' stomachs are tiny, so they need to eat small frequent meals throughout the day in order to maintain their energy. Unlike humans, birds don't usually go on diets. So if your bird stops eating for any unusual length of time, it's a good sign that something is wrong.

If you're not sure whether your bird is being unusually picky or not, try offering something that you've noticed that your bird particularly likes – bananas and apricots are common favorites. If the bird still won't eat, it's time to call the vet.

Puffed Up or Ragged Feathers

Your bird's feathers can tell you a lot. Birds puff up their feathers when they're cold, to keep from shivering. They also puff up when they're sleepy, or when they're sick. If your bird is awake and the house isn't cold, but you notice that its feathers are staying puffed up, you'll know that your bird isn't feeling up to snuff.

Birds are also typically fastidious about their feathers. That's because a bird's feathers are essential for survival in the wild. A bird who isn't grooming its feathers is definitely not feeling well.

Strange Droppings

One thing that you should pay careful attention to is your bird's droppings. Make it a point to notice what they look like when you clean the cage, so you'll be able to tell if they start to look different. Unusual colors or consistencies in your bird's droppings can be a red flag that something is amiss.

If you notice yellow, reddish brown, or sticky black droppings, they're a sign that something is wrong – either your bird is sick, or there's something off in it's diet. Either way, it's a good reason to see a vet before symptoms get any worse.

Remember that a bird should see an avian vet. Don't just take your bird to the nearest animal hospital before confirming that someone there has experience treating birds – a vet that only treats cats and dogs won't do. 

For more pet information, ask experts such as Gulfport Veterinarian


29 December 2014

A Guide to Avoiding Pet Emergencies

Animal emergencies happen quite often, and I have seen a lot of different injuries at the veterinary office I work at. Vehicle incidents, falls, and fights with other animals can all cause these injuries. Some of the most surprising emergencies I see though, are when pets eat substances that make them ill. Dogs and cats can both get sick by ingesting flowers, essential oils, and certain types of food items that humans eat. I even see some animals that become ill when they eat shoes, towels, and their own toys. I know that the vast majority of pet owners love their animals dearly. Most medical emergencies are purely accidental. You can easily save your precious feline or canine from harm as long as you know how the most common injuries occur. The articles posted here can help you with this, so start reading to make sure your pet remains healthy.