Easing Your Cat Into Tooth Brushing

Pets & Animals Blog

Like any cat owner, you adore your pet and want them around you as much as possible. However, when your cat suffers from halitosis or bad breath, they can be hard to tolerate. However, training them to let you brush their teeth and help you take control of your cat's oral health and eliminate that awful stench.

Start Young and Slow

Contrary to popular belief, cats can be trained. It just takes a lot of patience and understanding the way cats learn. Cats respond well to treats and training repetition, but rebel if punished in a severe manner. And, like dogs, their learning will stick more fully if you start young and work slowly.

Introduce tooth brushing to your cat when they are still a kitten. Use a small amount of toothpaste and brush for only a few seconds to get them used to the act. Gradually increase the brushing time until they can tolerate minutes at a time.

Play with Them Before Brushing

You can't make a big production out of brushing your cat's teeth or they will get stressed and react poorly. Instead, you should activate their sense of fun by playing with them before you brush their teeth. Wait a few minutes after you're done playing to let your cat relax and then try brushing.

Be Consistent

When training a cat or providing kitten care, consistency is absolutely essential. Cats, like humans, are creatures of habit and use routines to direct their lives. If you are inconsistent when brushing your cat's teeth, you will cause them stress and make the process more difficult.

Stay consistent with your cat's tooth brushing by:

  • Brushing at the Same Time Every Day
  • Using the Same Amount of Toothpaste
  • Buying the Same Type of Toothpaste
  • Sitting in the Same Room Each Time
  • Utilizing the Same Brushing Techniques

Brushing Alternatives

Some cats will simply never tolerate brushing. Thankfully, there are oral health care alternatives that can be used to treat their halitosis. The most popular are edible chew treats, which contain items such as wheat gluten, lemon, grapefruit seed extracts, fatty acids, parsley, and peppermint. These treats will not only eliminate bad breath, but decrease their concentration of tartar.

If your cat's breath continues to smell even with regular brushing, they may have serious gastrointestinal issues. Infections, viruses, undigested food, intestinal blockages, ulcers, and even stomach tumors can all contribute to consistent kitty halitosis. Call your veterinarian if you feel they are at risk for any of these serious problems.


3 June 2015

A Guide to Avoiding Pet Emergencies

Animal emergencies happen quite often, and I have seen a lot of different injuries at the veterinary office I work at. Vehicle incidents, falls, and fights with other animals can all cause these injuries. Some of the most surprising emergencies I see though, are when pets eat substances that make them ill. Dogs and cats can both get sick by ingesting flowers, essential oils, and certain types of food items that humans eat. I even see some animals that become ill when they eat shoes, towels, and their own toys. I know that the vast majority of pet owners love their animals dearly. Most medical emergencies are purely accidental. You can easily save your precious feline or canine from harm as long as you know how the most common injuries occur. The articles posted here can help you with this, so start reading to make sure your pet remains healthy.